
Monday, November 24, 2014

Keeping Children Busy

Sometimes we just need to keep our children busy for a few minutes so we can get something done. It never fails that as soon as you need to make a phone call, complete a project or answer the door they demand your attention. 

Preparation Is Everything

Many people work at home or are continuing their education and small children (sometimes older children) may be in the house. If you are sitting still they will know where to find you, and probably will. They love you and want to be involved in what you are doing. It will not matter if their main care giver is home, they will inevitably want your attention. Most likely they will want to use whatever technology you are using, write with whatever you are writing with, drink or eat whatever you are eating or drinking. They may insist on talking to whomever you are talking to, which makes a skype meeting or a conversation very interesting. If you simply shut your door, the small child may have a break down by screaming, crying or banging on the door. Or, doing whatever they shouldn’t to get your attention. 

Sigh, what can you do?

Preparing ahead can really help. Step one is to make sure your work area is safe for anyone who enters. On the plus side it will force you to organize yourself and your work area making it easier for you to be productive. If it is cell phones they want to use, you can purchase toy phones that will talk or play music by pressing a button. I have found that discarded cell phones work just as well. If the child is obsessed with your computer, there are children’s computers that can be used by a child even if all they can do is press the keys. When you update your own computer, save the old one for children to use. I would save these and get them out only when you are trying to work. Then they feel like they are included and you are doing something together. Other ideas for things you can save for those times of need are:
Decks of cards: Children’s or regular cards.

Books that read: You can even purchase those books where you record yourself reading.
Homework: Put a small table next to your workspace, and that becomes their desk to do their work. This is great idea for those children who may have homework. Homework, is work.

Treats: Keep special snacks and juice boxes in your drawer.
Crafts: If your child has an interest in something specific, get some items and place them in plastic shoe boxes that can be stored easily and brought out when needed.
Join In: If what you are doing is simple, include the children. Such as sorting items, putting things away, filing or collating for older children. Now you are working together and the child is getting positive attention and learning how to work at a task. Future job training.

So instead of becoming annoyed realize that this is an opportunity to teach children a positive work ethic from the start. It doesn’t take long to smile, give your child a quick hug and set them up with an activity if it is easily available so you can do your work.

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