
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Not what Baby Can Do; But You

Not what Baby Can Do; But You

All the hard work, anxiety and decisions are over and you are holding little Sally in your arms. She is soft, pink and oh so fragile. You stare at her with an intense love that almost makes your heart hurt. Sally is your responsibility, your child. You have the car seat with all the many straps to hook her into and the attendant watches you fasten her into the car and drive away. Your diaper bag contains newborn diapers, wipes, a suction bulb and pages of information on how to take care of Sally and her expected developmental progress. Equipped to raise this child properly you are determined to watch for each developmental milestone. Anxiously you watch for each new sign that shows proper progress. If it is even a day late you become distraught.

What is the best thing you can do for your child? Love her. Wrap your arms around her and hold her close. Smile at her, coo, make goofy faces. Get down on your tummy and flap your arms, reach for toys and let her try as well. Give her rides in the tummy pack to explore the world. Look long at pretty flowers, tell her about them and about the smells and feels of them. Tell her about your dreams and how she is a part of them. Laugh with her and at the funny things she does. When she does pass one of those milestones; cheer for her. Tell her how amazing she is and then tell her that you love her because she is your daughter and that you will always love her.

When she struggles and is frustrated, tell her that you love her. When she works hard at something and it doesn’t work out; tell her you love her. You can’t always fix things in life, you can’t always make things right, but you can always love her. She may pass every milestone with flying colors, she may pass some at the right time, or not others. You may need to have someone help you both with reaching those milestones. She may never reach them all. But you can love her no matter what and that love will provide her with the confidence and strength to be happy in whatever state she is in. Love never ends.

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