Most often, children do what they see; they imitate. They copy big brother who says he doesn't like peas and repeat phrases they have heard you say over and over, even (or especially) the bad ones. Your attitudes about "that darn neighbor" or the driver in front of you... They follow your lead and, before you know it, your "mini-me" is flipping inappropriate hand signals to the car in the next lane.
They also respond to happy cues. A child can cheer just as loud for your team's touchdown because they see how happy you are, even when they don't really understand why. They pretend to talk on the phone like mom and want their nails painted too. They drag tools over to the trike so they can be just like dad when he is working on the car. They want to be like you.
So, remember, little ears are listening and little eyes are watching, and they will imitate your good and bad habits.
Monkey see, Monkey do!
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