
Friday, June 7, 2013

Young Children Love...

Young children learn through their five senses. They explore the environment through sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste. Let them see the world around them. Give opportunities to touch and handle new objects. Provide foods with new textures and tastes. Listen for music, animals, languages, and let them experiment with tools to create their own sounds.

They learn by doing. Give them opportunities to explore. Let them make mistakes and then learn from them. Give them opportunities to achieve and gain self esteem. Let them get dirty and learn to clean up. Let them reach for the stars! Teach them to love the experience of learning.

They use materials for physical and sensory experiences. Provide for them various types of materials appropriate for their age; rice, water, dirt, ice, shaving cream, paper. Let them experiment, investigate and explore. Mix, feel, pour, tear, stack, listen... Learn!

Children love books. Read to them daily with them on your lap or gathered close around you. Discuss pictures, feelings, the ups and downs of the plot. Make predictions or rewrite the ending. Show them, through books, the world around them and the world of imagination. Help them learn to appreciate and delight in the ability to read.

They love to sing and to hear your voice. Sing to them, and with them, teaching them simple songs and nursery rhymes. Make up your own songs if you need to. Enjoy them and their ability to be joyful, and silly, brave! Create a memory!

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