
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Deadly Habit and my Beloved Child

It has been too long and you feel jittery, if you could just get a little smoke in then you would be just fine. You know you should not but no one will notice and your little one is asleep in the bedroom. Lighting your cigarette you sigh in relief, now you will be a more patient mother.

The chemicals that come off of that cigarette enters your body and will come out through your skin pores, urine etc. Not only does smoke effect your physical body but will drop particles onto the carpet, couch, curtains, crib, blankets and everything in your house. There is no sneaky moment where no one will not know – these particles will affect your child in the other room. 

The studies below explain how the higher levels of toxins will show in the urine of children in homes where smoking has taken place, up to eight times higher than non- smoking families. Doubling the incidence of SIDS, weakening the lungs and increasing the amount of ear infections are just some of the various illnesses you are exposing your baby to. 

Even smoking outside in the yard will elevate toxin levels in the house.

If you do smoke, it is surprisingly better for your child if you also breast feed because it will provide some protection from the hazards you are exposing him/her to. It is suggested you wait ninety five minutes after smoking to breast feed to decrease the amount of nicotine in the milk.

Be sure to change clothing and wash your hands and face before nursing.  Realize that nursing while smoking is thought to disrupt the sleep patterns in your baby as well as decreasing your milk supply.

You want the best for your child. Maybe now is the time to rethink getting a nicotine patch and begin weaning yourself off of smoking. You may be agitated and have a battle to overcome but your health will benefit within 20 minutes after the last smoke.


Frequent washing of the baby’s blankets, toys Vacuum with a heap filter, use an air purifier but be aware that these can also cause more irritants to the lungs. ***

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