My mom spent every moment that I remember taking care of us children, washing laundry, cooking meals, changing diapers, cleaning the house and believe me with six children we could really mess things up a bit. She never took time focus on exercise to take care of her health. My mom was deeply loved by every one of us children.
BUT We would have loved her just as much if she had taken time to exercise every day.
Even twenty to thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, obesity, asthma, back pain and provide mental sanity. With a bit of scheduling you can arrange for dad to watch the children for either a half hour before dinner is prepared or better yet, have him clean up after dinner with the older children and watch the baby while you take a quick bike ride, trip to the gym, walk alone or with a friend, turn on an exercise video and actually join in.
You could have a neighbor or relative watch the children while you and your husband enjoy a rousing game of tennis. You will realize how much clearer your mental process becomes. You’ll find yourself less frustrated and more patient with both the children and your husband, and will be holding at bay those nasty disease processes that threaten to wear down your body.
My mom got diabetes, congestive heart failure,
cardiomyopathy, colorectal cancer and diabetic retinopathy. I loved my mom and wanted to be just like her
when I grew up, throwing myself into my children and husband to be the best mom
I could.
Six years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes. Now I exercise, I work out at the gym, go for walks after dinner and consider carefully what carbohydrates to eat. I am doing my best to have a healthier future.
I am worth it.
My children are worth it.
They want me to be here for the things that matter.
Don’t you?
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