Uh Oh, here Comes the Drool
Little Johnny is six months old now and has become a drippy,
grumpy hard to manage little guy. What is wrong with him? Probably Johnny has a
lovely smile forming behind those cute gums of his. Rub your finger along the
top of his gums. Do they seem swollen? Teeth begin to push up and through the
gums creating a painful episode that lasts until they are all the way up and
showing nicely. Having something sharp and persistent pushing against sensitive
tissue can be intense at times and a constant nagging discomfort at the least;
therefore, what can you do to help?
Ideas to Try
Cold is a natural pain killer and also numbs the peripheral nerves so use this to your benefit.
1.Find a
small teething ring and put it in the refrigerator to chill; then have little
Johnny chew on them, it provide soothing coolness and ease the pressure.
(Keep a couple extra teething rings cooling in the fridge)
(Keep a couple extra teething rings cooling in the fridge)
2. Rubbing
with pressure also counteracts the intense stress of the teeth pushing through.
3. Frozen
wet wash clothes to chew on.
4. Frozen
bananas for gumming.
5. Chilled
carrots or cucumbers if they are eating whole food be sure to watch that pieces
do not break off into their mouth allowing
them to choke.
6. Ice cubes
or frozen juice in a mesh feeder like ‘Munchkin Fresh Food Feeder’
7. If Johnny
refuses to nurse, your doctor may approves an anti-inflammatory medicine that
will calm the pain enough that he will be comfortable enough to nurse.
Word of Caution: Numbing medicine containing Benzocaines
or Lidocaines are dangerous. (Even over the counter ones). Benzocaines have
also been known to cause a rare blood disease called methemoglobinemia. Benzocaines
also decrease mouth sensations which can cause choking.
Teething may not be a
pleasant time for you or Johnny but in a couple of years when he flashes you a
brilliant smile, you won’t even remember.
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